We have a fantastic suggestion for visiting a marvelous garden with and ancient museum. It is Negarestan garden with old history.
Negarestan garden is amazing, beautiful aged trees all around the garden with a nice pool in the center covered by Water lotus flowers. There is two main building inside the garden: hall of Delgosha and hall of Ghalamdan, which are so nice.
Negarestan garden is located in Baharestan Square of Tehran and built in 1807 by Fath-Ali Shah Qajar. It was the first Iranian academic center for teacher training and it was school for promulgation of arts such as painting, sculpturing and other arts. In other way it was school of fine arts Kamal-ol-Molk, a famous Iranian painter.
After so many years this garden change into a museum of Kamal-ul Molk school by Tehran Beautification Organization with the cooperation of Tehran University.
In Negarestan museum there are 120 artworks who created by Kamal-ol Molk and a number of his students who graduated from Tehran School of Fine Arts.
Opening Hours: Every day from 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. except Fridays and public mourning holidays
Address: Imam Khomeini station subway, Shariat-Madar St., Iran
Telephone: +98 213 311 9586